Policy Documents

Brownsword Hall Governance and Policy Documents

 General Data Protection Regulation Policy (GDPR)

Below is a pdf copy of the Brownsword Hall Charity and Poundbury Village Hall Trust Information Risk Policy.

How PVHT collects your data

You give permission for us to collect your data by completing and signing the booking registration form.

How PVHT stores your data

Paper records are kept in locked cabinets. We also securely store information electronically.

How PVHT shares your information

We would only share your information with third parties with your explicit written or verbal consent to do so.

Click to download Information Risk Policy pdf

Safeguarding Policy

This policy document defines how the Poundbury Village Hall Trust (PVHT) operates to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and adults at risk and to prevent them from harm. Safeguarding is covered by a number of Government Acts, and therefore it is a legal requirement for any organisation, where children and/or vulnerable adults may be involved, to have a documented policy, overseen by an individual; the Safeguarding Officer.

Why does PVHT have such a policy?

In recognition of the legal requirement and the fact that many events at the Hall involve young people as well as adults, we developed the Policy and referenced it in section 2.6 in our T&Cs, so we can seamlessly link to the Policies of the hiring organisations where such policies are appropriate for the hire.

What can you do to ensure you are compliant if in fact a Safeguarding policy is appropriate for your activity in the Hall?

The first step is to check whether such a policy currently exists in your organisation.  If not, then you should review the activities within your hire and determine whether such a Safeguarding policy is appropriate.  To aid the evaluation, and if necessary, development of such a policy, please review our Policy as a guide, and seek further guidance from Dorset Community Action (www.DorsetCommunityAction.org.uk)

If you have any questions please contact our Safeguarding Officer - Gavin Skinner 01305 257721

Click do download Safeguarding Policy